
Basic knowledge about hypochlorous acid

Basic knowledge about hypochlorous acid (hypochlorous acid water)

Basic knowledge about hypochlorous acid Inactivation of new coronavirus COVID-19

Basic knowledge about hypochlorous acid.COVID-19、SARS-CoV-2
Inactivation of new coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 (disinfection)
Main chemical symbols
 Water                                      H2O
Hydrogen ( molecular = gas )    H2
Oxygen (molecular form = gas)      O2
Salt(sodium chloride)            NaCl  ・・・
Electrolyzed Acid Water Generator
Hydrochloric acid                             HCl・・・
Electrolyzed Acid Water Generator
Chlorine (gas)                       Cl2
Sodium hydroxide                 NaOH  ・・・・aka: caustic soda     
Hypochlorite                   HOCl(HClO)  ・・・・main component 
   * The notation of hypochlorous acid varies from country to country. In Japan, it is written as " HClO " and in the United States as " HOCl " .
Hypochlorite ion  OCl  ・・・The main component of general disinfectant  
Sodium hypochlorite NaClO ・・・Name of general disinfectant 
Inactivation of new coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 (disinfection)
NITE Announced by Japan Incorporated Administrative Agency Product Evaluation Technology Infrastructure.
It was confirmed that hypochlorite water with a certain concentration or more (35 ppm or more) is effective for disinfecting new coronavirus.
It was announced that the effectiveness of the disinfection method against the new coronavirus, 35ppm or more of hypochlorous acid water can be used for the new coronavirus disinfection.
From "Evaluation of the effectiveness of alternative disinfection methods against the new coronavirus of 2020/6/26 (final report)"
■Chlorina AL-790 can generate 20-40ppm hypochlorous acid water, so you can use the safe Japanese hypochlorous acid water generator (slightly acidic water generator: pH5) that can support the disinfection method against the new coronavirus. ~6.5).

Inactivation of new coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 (disinfection)

hypochlorous acid water Effective chlorine content ratio in water

hypochlorous acid water   Effective chlorine content ratio in water
hypochlorous acid water Effective chlorine content ratio in water
Inactivation of new coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 (disinfection)
1. Chemical reaction by electrolysis of sodium chloride aqueous solution (brine)    The following chemical reactions are
used to produce “ sodium hydroxide” and “chlorine” , which are important basic chemical substances in the industrial field .
From now on it is commentary that by electrolysis " hypochlorous acid " of the product is also the underlying become reaction formula.
Anodic reaction: 2ClCl2 + 2e Chlorine production※1
Cathodic reaction:2H2O + 2Na + 2e→ H2 + 2NaOH・・・generation of ... sodium hydroxide
Mixed water :2NaCl + H2O → Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH・・・generation of ... sodium hydroxide ※2
    (Or diaphragmless electrolysis)
Hypochlorous acid formation  
※ 1 , 2 produced in the " chlorine gas ( Cl 2 )" is present by the following reaction formula in water hypochlorite or a hypochlorite ion. The abundance ratio of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion varies depending on the pH of the aqueous solution.
Cl2 + H2O ↔ HCl + HOCl・・・by the pH Ri proportions are changed
OCl + H
The chlorine gas dissolved in the aqueous solution becomes “ hypochlorous acid ( H 2 O 2 Cl 2 ) ” in the acidic region and exists as “ hypochlorous acid ion (2 OCl ) ” in the alkaline region .
"Hypochlorite ( H O Cl )" is " hypochlorite ion ( OCl - )" of about 80 lifting the fold sterilizing power one.
3. Formation of sodium hypochlorite (a general disinfectant)
At present, sodium hypochlorite ( NaClO ), which is frequently used as a general disinfectant, is produced by passing chlorine gas through an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution.
Cl 2 + 2 NaOH → NaCl + NaClO + H 2 O
Sodium hypochlorite is alkaline, and most of the bactericidal components are dissolved in the form of “ hypochlorite ion ( OCl ) ” . Hypochlorous acid to become more likely to be released as chlorine gas becomes acidic region, distribution as an alkaline aqueous solution , and has high stability.
However, the main component " hypochlorite ion ( OCl - ) " is "hypochlorite ( HOCl compared with)", has low bactericidal activity, should be used at a certain high concentration, protection glasses in use , Gloves, masks, etc. are necessary , and chlorine odor is likely to remain after use .

As a familiar product, "Haiter", "Kabikira", "Milton", and "Pyurakkusu" there , have not even Re of product attention Kakigaa such as "Do not mix danger" Ru. 

When these products are mixed with acidic substances such as toilet detergents containing hydrochloric acid as the main component, toxic chlorine gas is generated due to the following chemical reaction, which is very dangerous . Fatal accidents due to the mix the detergent in the bathroom , such as because what is happening is also required extreme caution when handling it . (It is dangerous and prohibited to apply substances containing a lot of vinegar, citric acid, and carbonic acid.)

NaClO + 2HCl NaCl + Cl 2 + H 2 O

Proposed industry hypochlorous acid water

hypochlorous acid water

hypochlorous acid water  New Coronavirus Countermeasures
hypochlorous acid water
3. Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water = " hypochlorous acid water
Brine of electrolysis in, the raw water appropriately adding hydrochloric acid in a state when performing diaphragm-free electrolysis produced aqueous solution, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is the hydrochloride is neutralized, the strongest sterilizing power " fine acidic "area next to," hypochlorous acid ( HOCl ) " was composed mainly of " slightly acidic hypochlorous acid solution " Do that.
2 NaCl + 2HCl + H 2 O → HCl + Na OH + HClO + H 2
( NaCl + H 2 O )
Anodic reaction: 2 Cl Cl 2 + 2e
Cl 2 + H 2 O ↔ HCl + HclO
Cathodic reaction: 2 H 2 O + 2 Na + + 2e - → H 2 + 2NaOH
"Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water" is compared with "sodium hypochlorite", the main component is hypochlorous acid ( HOCl because it is), approximately 80 times the germicidal there Ri , at low concentrations It can be used, has almost no taste or smell, and can be used without protective equipment such as protective glasses, masks and gloves .
Further, "slightly acidic electrolyzed water" is obtaining good results in the following safety test, high safety.
 ・ Acute oral toxicity ・ Cumulative skin irritation ・ Eye irritation
-Mutagenicity test-Subacute toxicity-Trihalomethane production test (see Section 4)
4). " Trihalomethane " and "Bromic acid"    
 " Trihalomethanes " or "bromate" is an impurity and chlorine reaction compounds produced by in , kind of trihalomethanes is chloroform and bromodichloromethane , potassium bromate is the World Health Organization ( International Agency for Research on Cancer of the WHO) (IARC ), Group 2B = “ possibly carcinogenic”.
 (The United States in the EPA, group B2 bromate "= human classification to there is a high possibility of carcinogenic against theft")
In Japan, which sterilizes tap water with chlorine, the standards for trihalomethane and bromic acid in tap water are determined by the Water Supply Law as follows.

Total trihalomethane : 0.1 mg / L or less             

Chloroform : 0.06 mg / L or less                           

Dibromochloromethane : 0.1 mg / L or less             

Bromodichloromethane : 0.03 mg / L or less             

Bromoform : 0.09 mg / L or less                           

Bromate : 0.01 mg / L or less

Therefore, in Japan, when producing hypochlorous acid water by electrolysis, substances other than salt and hydrochloric acid should be used.

Mixing is prohibited, and the purity of salt and hydrochloric acid, and evaporation residues are strictly regulated.

(Gazette: Food Safety 0426 No. 1 issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on April 26, 2012)

Salt purity: 99% or more, chlorine grade: food additive formulation 

Evaporation residue: 0.25% or less

[Reference information]

Are generally distributed " sodium hypochlorite " is the raw material purity of low , residual from the very high chlorine concentrations high concentration has been found to contain "bromate".

The bromate content of products sold by certain pharmaceutical companies is disclosed as " 26mg / kg " .

(2600 times the water supply standards)

5). "Chlorine -based germicide and" the other aqueous solution mixing of
 Above , as shown in, chlorine-based disinfectants react with impurities such as organic matter, a carcinogenic substance was to produce because in Japan has been multiplied by strict regulations with respect to the impurity.
In market " hypochlorite sodium " or saline solution was electrolyzed in diaphragm-free manner " electrolytic hypochlorite water " to enhance the germicidal power of the " acidic " in water solution and may it be done miscible .
As mentioned above, when an aqueous solution containing a lot of organic impurities, such as “VINEGAR”, is mixed as an acidic aqueous solution for the purpose of pH adjustment , carcinogenic substances such as “trihalomethane” and “bromate” are produced. There is a risk of being.


hypochlorous acid water

hypochlorous acid water Made in JAPAN

hypochlorous acid water  Made in JAPAN
hypochlorous acid water Made in JAPAN

In addition, the acid resistance of the aqueous solution of the mixed If you have, toxic because there is a risk of chlorine gas is produced, the incorporation of an aqueous solution of the acid does not go never.


 5). Summary    

Hypochlorous acid water produced by electrolysis is highly expected as a next-generation disinfectant because of its high sterilizing power and safety .

To distributed as conventional fungicides "solution" is to be long-term storage is possible "high stability" is needed, introducing a device for generating in front of the time use "hypochlorite water " , high sterilization force and" return immediately to the nature "in exchange =" life is short "a good understanding of the characteristics that use and there is a need.

In order to use this wonderful electrolyzed water effectively, we expect you to fully understand the characteristics described in this document .

Microorganism destruction by hypochlorous acid water

Microorganism destruction by hypochlorous acid water
Microorganism destruction by hypochlorous acid water

強酸性水生成装置 電解次亜塩素酸水の海外輸出 OEM対応

海外輸出 中国、韓国、インド、中東、アメリカ、EUなど OEM対応

export-OK 強酸性水生成器 電解次亜塩素酸水輸出Product made in Japan
強酸性水生成器 (微酸性水/電解次亜塩素酸水)海外輸出 Product made in Japan export-OK
■代理店海外募集地域例 流通は、海外全般です。
北米 アメリカ(ニューヨーク州/ カリフォルニア州/イリノイ州/テキサス州/ワシントン州など)カナダ
中南米 アルゼンチン アンティグア・バーブーダ ウルグアイ エクアドル エルサルバドルガイアナ キューバ グアテマラ グレナダ コスタリカ コロンビア ジャマイカ スリナムセントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 セントクリストファー・ネーヴィス セントルシア チリ ドミニカ国 ドミニカ共和国 トリニダード・トバゴ ニカラグア ハイチ パナマ バハマ パラグアイ バルバドス ブラジル ベネズエラ ベリーズ ペルー ボリビア ホンジュラス メキシコ
中東 アフガニスタン アラブ首長国連邦 イエメン イスラエル イラク イラン オマーン カタール クウェート サウジアラビア シリア トルコ バーレーン ヨルダン レバノン
アフリカ アルジェリア アンゴラ ウガンダ エジプト エチオピア エリトリア ガーナ カーボヴェルデ ガボン カメルーン ガンビア ギニア ギニアビサウ ケニア コートジボワール コモロ コンゴ共和国 コンゴ民主共和国 サントメ・プリンシペ ザンビア シエラレオネ ジブチ ジンバブエ スーダン スワジランド セーシェル 赤道ギニア セネガル ソマリア タンザニア チャド 中央アフリカ チュニジア トーゴ ナイジェリア ナミビア ニジェール ブルキナファソ ブルンジ ベナン ボツワナ マダガスカル マラウイ マリ 南アフリカ モザンビーク モーリシャス モーリタニア モロッコ リビア リベリア ルワンダ レソト
アジア インド インドネシア カンボジア シンガポール スリランカ タイ 台湾 韓国 中国 ネパール パキスタン バングラデシュ 東ティモール ブータン フィリピン ブルネイ ベトナム マレーシア ミャンマー モルディブ モンゴル ラオス スリランカ
欧州 アイスランド アイルランド アゼルバイジャン アルバニア アルメニア アンドラ イタリア ウクライナ ウズベキスタン 英国 エストニア オーストリア オランダ カザフスタン キプロス ギリシャ キルギス グルジア クロアチア サンマリノ スイス スウェーデン スペイン スロバキア スロベニア セルビア タジキスタン チェコ デンマーク ドイツ トルクメニスタン ノルウェー バチカン ハンガリー フィンランド フランス ブルガリア ベラルーシ ベルギー ポーランド ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ ポルトガル マケドニア マルタ モナコ モルドバ モンテネグロ ラトビア リヒテンシュタイン リトアニア ルーマニア ルクセンブルク ロシア
大洋州 オーストラリア キリバス サモア ソロモン諸島 ツバル トンガ ナウル ニュージーランド バヌアツ パプアニューギニア パラオ フィジー マーシャル ミクロネシア
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コンテナを工場に準備いただければアルカリイオン整水器(還元水/水素水生成器/电解还原水 电解水生成器)の輸出用にバンディング行います。バンディングには事前準備が必要です。OEM(original equipment manufacturer)やODM(Original Design Manufacturing)PBプライベートブランド(Private Brand)にも対応できます。
Hypochlorous acid water is also used for the new coronavirus.
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